Help Hospice Ethiopia

Ethiopia has an estimated population of 100 million, but only one hospice. Many thousands of people there have incurable diseases. They are dying in distress, often in pain, with nowhere to turn. Their only hope is Hospice Ethiopia.


Hospice Ethiopia

to provide Care, Dignity & Hope For The Dying


Hospice Ethiopia

Our patients need your support, please contact us to learn more.


The aim of Hospice Ethiopia is to improve the quality of life of patients with incurable diseases and support their families through provision of holistic palliative care services.


We are always seeking to train skilled palliative care workers that can support our mission as well as Hospice Ethiopia.  If you are not a health care worker but can help by sharing awareness of the critical needs of Hospice Ethiopia please contact us to learn about joining our team.


Our team provides compassionate care to address Spiritual, Physical, Emotional well-being of our patients and their families.  The medicine, housing, medical supplies and counseling are provided at no cost to our patients.



Our volunteers make a HUGE difference!! 

Dr. James Mumford ad Sue Mumford (CSCPN) recent visit to meet with our staff and patients. Our volunteers make a HUGE difference, please consider joining us!

Demand for hospice care continues to grow.  

Our capacity to offer hospice and palliative care services continues to expand. We believe the number of patients we are currently caring for will double in the near future.  Please take time to read more about hospice services we provide.

Hope thru palliative care training.

Doctors and nurses working in anesthetics and emergency care received training in the ethos of palliative care, pain, and symptom control.

Ethiopia has an estimated
population of 100 million.
But only one hospice.



The high demand for care of chronically ill patients cannot be dealt with by the government health service alone even in the most optimal health care system. This calls for efficient community, home-based care where terminally ill patients, and their families, are provided with the necessary support they need.

Hospice Ethiopia (HE) is a non-profit organization that provides comprehensive palliative and hospice care and support to cancer and/or HIV and AIDS patients, largely in the capital city of Addis Ababa. Recently, we are expanding to other suburbs in Ethiopia.

Ways that you can help



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Hospice Ethiopia 2024 Annual Report

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To Access the 2024 Annual report CLICK HERE.
Hospice Ethiopia 2023 Annual Report

Hospice Ethiopia 2023 Annual Report

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Click to access the PDF annual report

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We are celebrating our 20th anniversary in October! We want to thank you for your support to help those living in Ethiopia receive care and dignity from our organization! A…

Hospice Ethiopia Celebrates 20 years!

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We are preparing to celebrate Hospice Ethiopia's 20th anniversary! We will be hosting two events on October 12th (online zoom event) and on October 14th (In Person event in Addis…

“It is humbling to know of the superb work done by Hospice Ethiopia with limited resources. All power to them and to the support from PBL. We really don't know we're born in this country even when our services are being so hard pressed, Hospice Ethiopia are inspirational by displaying their personal, altruistic care to fellow human beings and we should all strive to follow that example.”

Tim Wayne

“I profoundly admire this glimpse of the work of Hospice Ethiopia. I am especially pleased and grateful that Hospice Ethiopia has the support of staff at Priscilla Bacon Lodge in the UK, who have won the admiration of countless patients and families over the years, and I trust that Hospice Ethiopia will find a similarly special place in the hearts of all those for whom it cares. Every good wish for your wonderful, priceless work.”


“ It was on my first trip to Ethiopia that I had the opportunity to visit Hospice Ethiopia. . I watched the caring staff working hard to meet both the physical and emotional needs of many patients. I left with so much admiration for the team and so overwhelmed wit the mission. I knew I had to get involved to support in whatever small way I could.

Stephanie Council

“I would like to extend my sincere and heart-felt appreciation to our friends, donors, partners, volunteers, team members who are working tirelessly to support the work we are doing. All you do to support us makes a difference and we continue to strive, with your help to reach all those in need in Ethiopia”

Tsigerada YisfaWessen

“What’s really, really important is that Hospice Ethiopia is training doctors, nurses and other medics about palliative care – care for the dying – so that they can bring relief to the thousands more who need it, across Ethiopia”

Ephrem, Director